Friday, September 26, 2014

Punch the stress away

Stress is part of daily life. It can be caused by our profession, our friends and family, or our environment. But it doesn't mean we have to live a life full of it. As one being stressed out by what matters most to me, I need to find a way to cope with this and luckily found this article.

The Gifted

It's been awhile since I watched a Tagalog movie, whether at home or in theaters. But I'm happy I was able to sales-talk my mom to watch The Gifted with me (this wasn't done recently lol).

The Gifted is not a mystery or horror movie but a comedy, dark comedy as the casts plugged it. Though I don't know the difference between dark and not dark comedy lol.

The movie started with a book signing event by an author played by Sam Milby. He read part of his book (not really a part because that's the whole movie lol). It's a story about 2 very intellectually gifted girls, both not physically attractive but have different society status in life. Zoe played by Anne Curtis comes from a rich and "healthy" family while Aica played by Cristina Reyes comes from a poor family.

The story revolves on how they became friends and later on rivals to be the class valedictorian and to get the same guy.

It's a fun-filled movie, though there's a very cool twist at the end of the movie which shows what is the reality behind the story / book.

For me, I'd give it 8.5/10 stars

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lola's Back

Due to my lifestyle (work from home, too lazy to do exercise, no self-discipline when it comes to exercise), I developed some sever back pains. Because of my addiction to Pinterest, I discovered this 8 minute better back workout and because I already know how to feel like a lola at this age, I'm making it a habit to start my day with these exercises, as well as stand, walk and stretch some every hour or so.

Green Apples

My hubby is very fond of eating fruits, one of them is green apples. And when I say very fond, I mean very fond. He can eat around 6 apples a day (or maybe more if I give it to him lol). Yesterday, when I was buying his stock of green apples, the salesperson asked if it will be for resell. I told him nope, that it is for personal consumption. He then said it's good for diabetes. Which made me curious as to what are the health benefits of green apples. Using Google, here is what I had found:
  • Contains a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion.
  • The chances of colon cancer are less if one eats green apple.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Beneficial in treating gout.
  • Useful in controlling diarrhea.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Blood sugar gets stabilized.
  • Helps in treating rheumatism.
  • Improves one’s appetite.
  • It contains carbohydrates and therefore provides much energy.
  • It contains protein.
  • Has plenty of vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and it is one of the most prominent green apple benefits.
  • It also has plenty of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc
  • It helps in preventing liver problems.
  • Lessens the chances of developing skin diseases.
  • It consists of several anti-oxidants such as polyphenol as well as flavonoid that helps in reducing the risk of cancer by not allowing DNA damage to occur.
  • It has less cholesterol and is therefore useful for those losing weight.
  • As green apple contains a lot of Vitamin A,B as well C, it is very good for the nourishment of skin and also has a whitening effect on it.
  • It purifies the blood as it contains a lot of minerals.
  • One also less chances of suffering from liver problems.
I was going to highlight which of these are very beneficial to him but I think everything here is beneficial to everyone lol

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I saw this ad and I hope I can enjoy it before it expires lol

Back after a looonnggg looonngg while

It's been awhile since I blogged (more than 2 years kind of awhile lol) and I decided to go back to blogging. It's been a long while that I forgot I have this blog and almost created a new one lol. Well, I'm back, hopefully for good hehehe